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Author: Manthey, U [Ma9J84_1]
Titel: 9 Jahre Anolis-Zucht, Teil 1:
Erfahrung und Ergebnisse
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1982) Sauria, Berlin, 6(2) :S.31-34

Author: Manthey, U [Ma9J84_2]
Titel: 9 Jahre Anolis-Zucht, Teil 2:
Erfahrung und Ergebnisse
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1982) Sauria, Berlin, 6(3) :S.23-27

Author: Manthey, U [Ma9J84_3]
Titel: 9 Jahre Anolis-Zucht, Teil 3:
Erfahrung und Ergebnisse
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1982) Sauria, Berlin, 6(4) :S.9-14

Author: Guyer, C., Donnelly, A. [GDAm05]
Titel: Amphibians and Reptiles of La Selva, Costa Rica, and hte Caribbean Slope
A comprehensive Guide
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2005) ,University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, USA :299 Seiten
Abtrakt: Ein paar Artbeschreibungen von Anolis.

Author: Schwartz, A., Henderson, R.W. [SHAm91]
Titel: Amphibians and Reptiles of the West Indies. Description, Distribution an natural History
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1991) University of Florida Press, Miami: 720 S.

Author: Rosen, Greta J., Wade, Juli [RWAn01]
Titel: Androgen Metabolism In The Brain Of The Green Anole Lizard:
(Anolis carolinensis): Effects Of Sex And Season
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2001)
Abtrakt: Courtship behavior in male green anoles is partly mediated by the 5 a-reductase enzyme, which converts testosterone (T) to 5 a-dihydrotestosterone. This study aimed to determine whether the activity of 5 a-reductase is enhanced in breeding males compared to females and nonbreeding males who do not normally display masculine behaviors. In some cases, aromatase, which converts T to 17 b-estradiol, also was assessed to determine whether the pattern of its activity in anoles is similar to that in other vertebrates. 5 a-Reductase is greatest in the brainstem, so its activity was determined separately in homogenates of whole brain and brainstems. The following comparisons were done in different assays: (1) breeding males with breeding females, (2) nonbreeding males with nonbreeding females, and (3) breeding males with nonbreeding males. Aromatase activity was greater in breeding males (mean SE, 0.61 0.06 fmol/min/mg/0.08/fmol protein) than in breeding females (0.41 min/mg protein). It was also greater in breeding males (0.84 0.16 fmol/min/mg protein) than in nonbreeding males (0.33 0.07 fmol/min/mg protein). In contrast, sex or seasonal differences did not exist in 5 a-reductase activity. The results are consistent with those of other vertebrate species in which male-biased sex dimorphisms and seasonal differences occur in aromatase, but not in 5 -reductase activity. The greater levels of aromatase activity in breeding male anoles suggest that this enzyme might mediate malespecific functions. The equivalently high levels of 5 a-reductase activity in both sexes suggests that, in addition to facilitating male courtship behavior, the enzyme has a basic function common to both sexes.

Author: Fläschendräger, A., Wijffels, Leo [FWAn96]
Titel: Anolis
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1996) ,Natur und Tier - Verlag, Münster :207 Seiten
Abtrakt: Die Anolis-Bibel. Herrvoragendes Buch ueber Lebensweise, Lebensart und Haltung von Anolis. Riesiger und ausführlicher Artenteil.

Author: Zernikow, W. [ZeAn87]
Titel: Anolis argenteolus - Verhalten und Problematik der Nachzucht
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1987) Elaphe a. F., 9(3) :S. 44-45

Author: Fläschendräger, A. [FlAn90]
Titel: Anolis bahorucoensis bahorucoensis (Noble & Hassler, 1933)
- ein bemerkenswerter Saumfinger aus der Dominikanischen Republik
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1990) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 12(64) :S.06-10

Author: Fläschendräger, A. [FlAn88_1]
Titel: Anolis bartschi (Cochran 1982)
- Bemerkungen zu Haltung, Verhalten und Nachzucht
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1988) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 10(55) :S.26-29

Author: Schirra, K.J. [ScAn93]
Titel: Anolis christophei
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1993) Sauria, Berlin, Supplement :S.261-264

Author: Weygoldt [WeAn84]
Titel: Anolis chrysolepis Dumeril & Bibron 1837 im Terrarium
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1984) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 6(32) :S.22-26

Author: Breustedt, A. [BrAn91]
Titel: Anolis equestris
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1991) Sauria, Berlin, Supplement :S.207-212

Author: Krintler, K [KrAn85]
Titel: Anolis garmani
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1985) Sauria, Berlin, Supplement :S.31-32

Author: Jungfer K.H. [JuAn87]
Titel: Anolis lionotus
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1987) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 9(48) :S.13

Author: Fläschendräger, A. [FlAn88_2]
Titel: Anolis luciae Garman, 1887, im Terrarium
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1988) Elaphe a. F., 10(4) :S. 71-72

Author: Schleich [ScBe82]
Titel: Bemerkungen zur Herpetologie von San Andreas (Karibik, Kolumbien) mit Freilandbeobachtungen an Anolis concolor Cope und Cnemidophorus lemniscatus lemniscatus (Linee)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1982) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 4(19) :S.16-19

Author: Vergner, Polak [VPBe90]
Titel: Beobachtungen am Kuba-Rotkehlanolis, Anolis porcatus (Gray, 1840) und Bemerkungen zu Anolis allisono (Barbour, 1928)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1990) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 12(69) :S.06-10

Author: Fläschendräger, A. [FlBe02]
Titel: Beobachtungen an Anolis-Arten in der Cordillera de Guaniguanico, Provinz Pinar del Rio, West Kuba
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2002) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 24(138) :S.05-18

Author: Fläschendräger, A. [FlBe98]
Titel: Beobachtungen an drei Grasanolis-Arten im Biotop sowie Bemerkungen zur Haltung und Fortpflanzung im Terrarium
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1998) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 20(113) :S.19-28

Author: Schwarz, W., Schwarz, B. [SSBe03]
Titel: Bepflanzung eines Epiphytenastes für das Terrarium
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2003) Reptilia, 8(2) ,Natur und Tier - Verlag, Münster :S. 36-39

Author: Schröter, G. [ScUb86]
Titel: Über die bisher in die DDR einfeführten Arten der Gattung Anolis
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1986) elaphe, 8(1) :S. 7-9

Author: Fürst [FuBe80]
Titel: Besonderheiten im Verhalten von Anolis carolinensis im Terrarium
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1980) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 2(9) :S.29-30

Author: Schwarz, W., Schwarz, B. [SSBr01]
Titel: Bromelien, Orchideen und Farne im Tropenterrarium
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2001) ,Natur und Tier - Verlag, Münster :127 Seiten

Author: Daraban, Alberta-May [DaDa03]
Titel: Darstellung der primäen visuellen Areale im Gehirn einer Echse durch anterogrades Tracing
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2003)
Abtrakt: Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die primären visuellen Areale nachzuweisen, zu identifizieren und mit denen anderer Echsen zu vergleichen.

Author: Zeilfelder, Iris, Bartelt, Uwe [ZBDe06]
Titel: Der Bahamasanolis, Anolis sagrei
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2006) Art für Art ,Natur und Tier - Verlag, Münster :64 Seiten
Abtrakt: Eine sehr schöne Einführung in die Haltung von Anolis sagrei. Vor allem für Anfänger sehr zu empfehlen. Behandelt werden Verbreitung, Lebensraum, Verhalten, Erwerb, Haltung, Pflege, Zucht und vieles mehr.
Auch die Zimmerhaltung, und die Gartenhaltung wird besprochen.

Author: Rauh, Jens [RaDe04]
Titel: Der Rotkehlanolis, Anolis carolinensis
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2004) Art für Art ,Natur und Tier - Verlag, Münster :64 Seiten
Abtrakt: Eine sehr schöne Einführung in die Haltung von Anolis carolinensis. Vor allem für Anfänger sehr zu empfehlen. Behandelt werden Verbreitung, Lebensraum, Verhalten, Erwerb, Haltung, Pflege, Zucht und vieles mehr.

Author: Lovern, Matthew B., McNabb, Anne, F.M., Jenssen, Thomas A. [LMDe00]
Titel: Developmental Effects of Testosterone on Behavior in Male and Female Green Anoles
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2000)
Abtrakt: This study addressed the role of testosterone (T) in the development of sexually dimorphic behavior in the green anole lizard, Anolis carolinensis. We documented the pat- tern of endogenous T concentrations during ontogeny and we determined the behavioral effects of experimentally elevated T in juvenile males and females. T concentrations were measured in the plasma of hatchlings from eggs incubated in the laboratory, in juveniles of all sizes sam- pled in the field, and in the yolks of freshly laid eggs in the laboratory and were compared to plasma T in adult fe- males (measured in this study) and adult males. There were no sex differences in plasma T in hatchling and small juvenile (26-mm snout-vent length, SVL; 14 days old) males and females, concentrations of which in both sexes tended to decline over the 14-day posthatching period. Plasma T sharply increased in juvenile males, but not fe- males, after approximately 14 days posthatching (>25-mm SVL), and it became significantly higher after approxi- mately 38 days posthatching (30-mm SVL). Plasma T for juvenile males was within the range detected in breeding adult females, but it was 20- to 45-fold lower than that of adult males, breeding or postbreeding. All eggs contained detectable yolk T, but eggs that gave rise to males con- tained nearly twice as much yolk T as those that gave rise to females. We do not know whether this yolk T comes from the mother, embryo, or both. In behavior trials con- ducted in the laboratory, juveniles (36- to 42-mm SVL) with T implants, regardless of whether they were male or fe- male, had increased activity levels compared to juveniles with blank implants, due to increased rates of nearly every behavior monitored. These results are discussed in the context of the organization-activation theory of sexual dif- ferentiation and the particular life history of A. carolinensis.

Author: Monzel, M [MoDi01]
Titel: Die Anolis der Bay Islands
Zoogeographische und Evolutionsökologie
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2001) Reptilia, 6(1) ,Natur und Tier - Verlag, Münster :S.25-34

Author: Wijffels, Leo C.M. [WiDi01]
Titel: Die aufspannbare Kehlhaut der Anolis
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2001) Reptilia, Nr. 27 ,Natur und Tier - Verlag, Münster :S.22-24

Author: Kaden, U. [KaDi86]
Titel: Die Haltung und Vermehrung von kubanischen Wasseranolis im Terrarium
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1986) Elaphe a. F., 8(Sonderheft) :S. 88-90

Author: Denzer, W [DeDi85]
Titel: Die Herpetofauna Südfloridas, Teil 1:
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1985) Sauria, Berlin, 7(2) :S.5-10

Author: Denzer, W [DeDi86]
Titel: Die Herpetofauna Südfloridas, Teil 2:
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1986) Sauria, Berlin, 8(3) :S.23-26

Author: Welzel [WeDi81]
Titel: Die Nachzucht von Anolis oculatus montanus im Terrarium
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1981) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 3(13) :S.22-24

Author: Fläschendräger, A. [FlDi88]
Titel: Die Unterarten von Anolis roquet (Lacepede, 1788)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1988) Elaphe a. F., 10(2) :S. 4-6

Author: Rosen, OBryant, Matthews, Zacherewski, Wade [OODi02]
Titel: Distribution of Androgen Receptor mRNA Expression and Immunoreactivity in the Brain of the Green Anole Lizard
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2002)
Abtrakt: Male courtship and copulation are androgen dependent in the green anole lizard, and female receptivity can be facilitated by testosterone. However, only a few, and relatively large, regions in the brain have been implicated in the control of these behaviours. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry were therefore used to determine in detail where androgens are likely to act in the brains of breeding males and females. A 697-bp fragment of the anole androgen receptor (AR) was cloned from total RNA isolated from the kidney, which contains the highly androgen-sensitive renal sex segment. The cloned fragment spanned part of the C, the entire D, and part of the E domains, and shared a high degree of similarity with the AR of various species. 35S-labelled antisense and sense probes were generated from the 697-bp fragment for use in in situ hybridization, and the AR antibody PG-21 was used for immunohistochemistry. Both sexes consistently had AR mRNA expression and immunoreactivity in areas associated with vertebrate reproductive behaviours and in motor areas of the brainstem. Interestingly, the PG-21 antibody produced labelling in both the nucleus and cytoplasm, including neuronal processes. The distribution of mRNA and immunoreactivity were comparable in males and females, and the amount of labelling was generally similar, although slightly greater in females. The expression pattern of AR in this species supports the idea that distribution is highly conserved among vertebrates, but that it probably does not dictate behavioural differences between the sexes in anoles.

Author: Hilgenhof, R.J. [HiEi98_1]
Titel: Eine herpetologische Reise noch Nordost-Jamaika unter Berücksichtigung der Gattung Anolis, Daudin - Teil 1
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1998) Sauria, Berlin, 20(2) :S.15-27

Author: Hilgenhof, R.J. [HiEi98_2]
Titel: Eine herpetologische Reise noch Nordost-Jamaika unter Berücksichtigung der Gattung Anolis, Daudin - Teil 2
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1998) Sauria, Berlin, 20(3) :S.1-10

Author: Köhler G. [KoEi99]
Titel: Eine neue Saumfingerart der Gattung Norops von der Pazifikseite des nördlichen Mittelamerika
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1999) Salamandra, Rheinbach 35(1) :S. 37-52

Author: Bishof, David C., Echternacht, Arthur C. [BEEm04]
Titel: Emergence Behavior And Movements Of Winter-Aggregated Green Anoles (Anolis carolinensis) And The Thermal Characteristics Of Their Crevices In Tennessee
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2004)
Abtrakt: The green anole (Anolis carolinensis, Sauria: Polychrotidae) is the only native member of the neotropical genus in the United States and can be found as far north as North Carolina and Tennessee. Green anoles remain active throughout the winter in Tennessee, a rare behavior for reptiles at this latitude (358 349 N). In the Little Tennessee River population observed, individuals shift habitats in winter to a south-facing bluff where they aggregate in rock crevices at night and on cloudy days. The crevices provide thermal protection from air temperatures that routinely drop below freezing. Aggregations did not seem to provide any thermal benefits to lizards. Lizards emerged from the crevices when the sun illuminated their section of the bluff. The emergence order of lizards from a crevice was nonrandom; some lizards consistently emerged earlier than others. Position in the emergence sequence was determined by the depth of the lizard within the crevice, with shallow lizards emerging first. Lizards remained close to the same group of crevices throughout the entire winter and often returned to the same section of the bluff the following winter season.

Author: Flyäschendräger, A. [FlEr90]
Titel: Erfahrungen bei der Haltung und Vermehrung kleinerere Anolis-Arten
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1990) Elaphe a. F., 12(2) :S. 21-23

Author: von Brockhusen, F. [BrEr79]
Titel: Erfahrungen bei der Haltung und Zucht von Anolis lineatopus aus Jamaica
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1976) Salamandra, Frankfurt 12(2) :S. 103-105

Author: Fläschendräger, A. [FlEr99]
Titel: Erste Nachzuchtergebnisse bei Anolis reconditus (Underwood & Williams, 1959)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1999) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 21(118) :S.05-10

Author: Reif [ReEs04]
Titel: Es werde Licht
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2004) ,

Author: Gutsche A., McCranie J.R., Nicholson K.E. [GMFi96]
Titel: Field observations on a nesting site of Norops utilensis Köhler, 1996 (Reptilia, Squamata) with comments about its conservation status
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1996) Salamandra, Rheinbach 40(3/4) :S. 297-302

Author: Hauschild,A. [HaGe82]
Titel: Gelungene Aufzucht im Aquaterrarium
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1982) Sauria, Berlin, 4(4) :S.23-28

Author: Köhler G., McCraine, J.R., Nicholson, K.E., Kreutz, J. [KMGe03]
Titel: Geographic variation in hemipenial morphology in Norops humilis (Peters 1863), and the systematic status of Norops quaggulus (Cope 1885) (Reptilia, Squamata: Polychrotidae).
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2003) Senckenbergiana biologica, 82(1/2) :S. 213-222

Author: Zeilfelder, Iris [ZeHa05]
Titel: Haltung und Nachzucht von Anolis oculatus winstoni
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2005) IGUANA, 2-2005
Abtrakt: Hervorragender Artikel über die Erfahrungen und Probleme bei der Haltung von Anolis oculatus winstony. Mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die Nachzucht.

Author: Blumberg ,A. [BlHa82]
Titel: Haltung und Zucht des Ritteranolis
Anolis equestris
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1982) Sauria, Berlin, 4(4) :S.9-13

Author: Stettler, Paul Heinrich [StHa02]
Titel: Handbuch der Terrarienkunde
- Terrarientypen, Tiere, Pflanzen, Futter
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2002) ,Verlagsgruppe Weltbild GmbH
Abtrakt: Sehr schöne Anleitungen zum Bau verschiedener Terrarientypen. Futtertierzuchtanleitungen. Viele wertvolle Tipps zur Terrientechnik. Auflistung vieler Terrarientiere mit Klimatischer und Geografischer Zuordnung und der dazu passenden Pflanzen.

Author: Bech, R. [BeHe79]
Titel: Heilung von Kropfbildung möglich?
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1979) elaphe, Berlin, 1(1) :S. 8-9

Author: Köhler [KoIn04]
Titel: Inkubation von Reptilieneiern
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2004) ,Herpeton
Abtrakt: Genaueste Beschreibung des Aufbaus von Reptilieneiern. Anleitungen zum Bau verschiedener Inkubatoren. Anleitung zum richtigen Inkubieren. Informationen zur Inkubation von über 1750 Reptilienarten

Author: Orrell, Congdom, Jenssen, Michener, Kunz [OCIn03]
Titel: Intersexual Differences In Energy Expenditure Of Anolis carolinensis Lizards during Breeding and Postbreeding Seasons
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2003)
Abtrakt: Although the amount of energy that males and females invest in reproduction is an integral component of theories explaining the evolution of particular mating strategies, few studies have actually determined the amount of energy that each sex allo- cates to reproduction. We compared how energy is expended by male and female Anolis carolinensis lizards during both the breeding and postbreeding seasons. We used laboratory res- pirometry to determine resting metabolic rates (RMRs) of in- active, freshly captured lizards and the doubly labeled water technique to determine field metabolic rates (FMRs) of free- ranging lizards. Both RMRs and FMRs were influenced by body mass but not by sex. Season did not influence FMRs; however, RMRs of both sexes increased 40% from the breeding to the postbreeding season. The seasonal increase in RMRs was at- tributed to a postreproductive increase in feeding rate and spe- cific dynamic action. We used RMRs, FMRs, and thermal pro- files of lizards to calculate energy budgets for breeding and postbreeding seasons. Energy budgets partitioned daily field energy (DFE; calculated from FMRs) into daily activity energy (DAE) and daily resting energy (DRE; calculated from RMRs). Energy expended for reproduction was estimated as DAE dur- ing the breeding season plus egg production (for females). De- spite males having 40% greater body mass, females expended 46% more energy for reproduction than did males (906 and 619 J/d, respectively). Total metabolizable energy (TME p DFE egg production for females) expended during the breed-

Author: Irschick, Hssydonck, Herrel, Meyers [IHIn]
Titel: Intraspecific Correlations Among Morphology, Performance and Habitat Use Within A Green Anole Lizard (Anolis carolinensis) population
Abtrakt: We examined habitat use, morphology, jumping and clinging ability for 403 juvenile, female and male green anoles (Anolis carolinensis) in a population in Southeastern Louisiana. We asked three questions: (1) Do age/sex classes differ in habitat use, morphology, and performance ability? (2) Do habitat use, morphology, and performance correlate among all individuals across three age/sex classes (males, females, and juveniles)? (3) Do juveniles compensate for their poor absolute performance capacities by being better performers on a relative scale? The three age/sex classes differ significantly in size-adjusted morphology, habitat use, and size-adjusted performance capacity. Juveniles tended to occupy perches with more nearby perches compared to males and females; males had significantly longer distal elements of the hindlimb compared to females and juveniles, while females were more stocky compared to these other groups. The only significant overall eco-morphological relationship detected was between the lengths of the distal hindlimb elements (femur, tibia) and maximum jump acceleration. Finally, our hypothesis that juveniles should be better performers (relative to size) compared to larger females and males was disproven, as females were always the best performers relative to size. Our analysis of a mainland anole population presents a different view of population structure compared to similar studies with Caribbean Anolis lizards, which show more ecological differentiation among age/sex classes, and also show that juveniles are relatively good performers.

Author: Heselhaus, Ralf, Schmidt, Matthias [HSKa96]
Titel: Karibische Anolis
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1996) ,Herpetologischer Fachverlag

Author: Vergner, Polak [VPKu96]
Titel: Kubanische Höhlenanolis (Anolis lucius-Gruppe) in der Nautur und im Terrarium
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1996) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 18(103) :S.05-12

Author: Schmidt, W., Henkel, F.w [SHLe06]
Titel: Leguane
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2006) ,Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart :S. 116-134

Author: Brown, Richard P., Griffin, Samuel [BGLo04]
Titel: Lower Selected Body Temperatures After Food Deprivation In The Lizard Anolis carolinensis
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2004)
Abtrakt: Diet composition can affect body temperatures selected by lizards in a thermal gradient (SBT) but there is very little evidence to support a similar effect due to fasting. The latter could represent a means of energy conservation during periods of low food availability. This study investigated the impact of short-term food deprivation (5 days) on diurnal thermal preferences of male (n=10) and non-reproductive female (n=22) Anolis carolinensis using a repeated measures design. Mean SBT varied significantly over the 4 h measurement period, and was higher for males than females, overall. A small but significant change in SBT was detected between the two feeding treatments, with food deprivation leading to a mean decrease ranging from 0.4370.55 to 0.7270.46 1C (at different times of day) in females and from 0.6170.71 to 2.1370.76 1C in males. Previous studies may have failed to detect such subtle trends due to a lack of statistical power arising from small sample sizes. An explanation of these differences is they represent a feeding status dependent trade-off for maintenance of energy balance versus optimal food assimilation. However, (1) the estimated energy saving, and (2) the impact on food assimilation appear rather negligible even assuming that the observed decrease in SBT produces a similar lowering of field body temperature in the wild.

Author: Orrell, K.S., Jenssen, Thomas [OJMa01]
Titel: Male Mate Choice By The Lizard Anolis carolinensis:
A Preference For Novel Females
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2001)
Abtrakt: Laboratory and field manipulations tested whether male Anolis carolinensis lizards and discriminate preference for novel females over resident females. In 16 laboratory trials, we videotaped social interactions between paired males and females during baseline session (male and resident female housed together 1-3 weeks), resident-female session (male and reintroduced resident female), and novel-female session (male and novel female with resident female removed). We examined 22 behavioural variables. Male behaviours did not differ significantly between baseline and resident-female sessions, nor did female behaviours differ significantly between baseline, resident-female and novel-female sessions. However, between resident-female and novel-female sessions, males significantly increased display rate (320%), volleys of repetitive displaying (300%) and volley length (150%), and significantly decreased the distance (375%) and number (430%) of movements travelled away from the female. We concluded that males discriminate novel females from resident females independently of female behavioural or chemical cues. In each of 18 field trials, we first videotaped baseline social interactions of the resident male and females in a naturally occurring, polygynous, breeding group. The next day, we released two novel females into the territory (so at least one female remained) and videotaped subsequent social interactions. In comparison to baseline observations, males significantly increased the proportion of time spent in female-directed activities (from 5% towards resident females to 53% towards the novel female) and the proportion of displays directed towards novel females (from 6% towards resident females to 51% towards the novel female), and significantly decreased the proportion of time spent in territorial activities (from 75% to 19%) and the proportion of displays used in territorial activities (from 94% to 44%). Data from both experiments indicate that males appear to distinguish among individual females, and use this ability to increase reproductive success by identifying and preferentially pursuing novel females over previously inseminated resident females. From the perspective of cognitive ethology, we suggest a model by which males control mating decisions within their territories.

Author: Köhler G., Schulze A., Vesely M. [KSMo05]
Titel: Morphologische Variation bei Norops capito (Peters, 1863), einer weit verbreiteten Art aus Südost-Mexiko und Zentralamerika.
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2005) Der Salamander, Rheinbach 41(3) :S. 129-136

Author: Tore, E. et al [ToMo06]
Titel: Movement control strategies during jumping in a lizard (Anolis valencienni)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2006) Journal of Biomechanics 39 :S. 2014-2019

Author: Bowersox S.R., Calderon S., Powell R., Palmerlee J., Smith D.D., Lathrop A. [BCNa94]
Titel: Nahrung eines Riesenanolis, Anolis barahonae, von Hispaniola, mit einer Zusammenfassung des Nahrungsspektrums westindischer Riesenanolis-Arten
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1994) Salamandra, Rheinbach 30(2) :S. 155-160

Author: Köhler G. , Kreutz, J. [KKNo99]
Titel: Norops macrophallus (Werner, 1917), a valid species of anole from Guatemala and El Salvador (Squamata: Sauria: Iguanidae)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1999) Herpetozona, 12(1/2) :S. 57-65

Author: Poe, S. [PoPh04]
Titel: Phylogeny of anoles
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2004) Herpetol. Monographs, (No. 18) :S.37-89

Author: Sauer et. al. [SaPr04]
Titel: Praxisratgeber Vivarienbeleuchtung
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2004) ,Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt a. M. :287 S.

Author: Hunziker, Ray [HuRo96]
Titel: Rotkehlanolis
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1996) ,bede-Verlag
Abtrakt: Ein sehr schönes Buch speziell über Rotkehlanolis. Es beschreibt die Tiere, ihren Lebensraum, sowie Haltung, Zucht und Krankheiten. Leider an wenigen Punkten nicht mehr ganz aktuell.

Author: Lovern; Matthew B., Passek, Kelly M. [LPSe01]
Titel: Sequential Alternation Of Offspring Sex From successive Eggs By Female Green Anoles, Anolis carolinensis
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2001)
Abtrakt: We examined the relationships between maternal size, breeding season stage, and offspring sex at hatching for the oviparous lizard Anolis carolinensis. Specifically, we tested two hypotheses: (1) large females produce offspring with male-biased sex ratios and small females produce offspring with female-biased sex ratios; and (2) females, regardless of size, produce offspring with male-biased sex ratios early in the breeding season and female-biased sex ratios late in the breeding season. We found no support for either hypothesis. Rather, we found that individual females of all sizes and throughout the breeding season alternated offspring sex of sequentially laid eggs. Because female anoles also alternate the ovary that produces successive eggs, we tested a third hypothesis: females produce eggs of only one sex with each ovary. Both palpation to track which ovary produced which eggs, and unilateral ovariectomies, leaving females with only one functioning ovary, failed to support this hypothesis. Regardless of whether an ovary was removed, females were capable of producing both male and female offspring from either ovary. To account for this and potentially other unusual patterns of offspring production, we provide evidence that maternal hormone levels around the time of fertilization may affect offspring sex.

Author: Greenberg, Neil [GrSo03]
Titel: Sociality, Stress, And The Corpus Striatum Of the Green Anolis Lizard
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2003)
Abtrakt: The green anolis lizard, Anolis carolinensis, is a uniquely convenient species with great potential for providing insights about the causes and consequences of social behavior from an evolutionary perspective. In this species, social interactions are mediated by visual displays in which specific units of behavior are combined in various ways to communicate several more-or-less specific messages. Two related research programs that utilize this species converge in provocative ways to provide insight into this phenomenon. The first program is centered on the basal ganglia, now known to be crucial to the expression of aggressive territoriality in this species, and the second research program examines the way the physiological stress response is involved in aggression and its subsequent adaptive outcomes. Both the neural and the neuroendocrine systems affect the progress of social interactions as well as the subsequent social dominance relationships when combatants subsequently live together. Further, because body color depends almost exclusively on the stress response, skin color provides a unique in situ bioassay of otherwise inaccessible information about the animal's internal state. The fullest understanding of the physiological ethology of this model species will depend on an interdisciplinary approach that considers both proximate (physiological) and ultimate (evolutionary) causes of displays. Questions thus arising include how the nervous system controls and assembles the specific units of behavior-motor patterns and autonomic reflexes--into displays that are adaptive in specific contexts.

Author: Hasselberg, D. [HaTe99]
Titel: Terrarien aus Styropor
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1999) Reptilia, 4(4) ,Natur und Tier - Verlag, Münster :S. 64-68

Author: Henkel, F.w, Schmidt, W. [HSTe97]
Titel: Terrarien
- Bau und Einrichtung
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1997) ,Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart

Author: Akeret, B. [AkTe03]
Titel: Terrarienbepflanzung
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2003) Reptilia, 8(2) ,Natur und Tier - Verlag, Münster :S. 22-29

Author: Wilms, T. [WiTe04]
Titel: Terrarieneinrichtung
- Grundlagen, Materialien, Methoden
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2004) ,Natur und Tier - Verlag, Münster

Author: Lovern, Matthew B., Wade, Juli [LWYo03]
Titel: Testosterone Varies With Sex In Eggs Of The Lizard, Anolis carolinensis
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2003)
Abtrakt: In the green anole (Anolis carolinensis), a lizard with genotypic sex determination, yolk testosterone (T) concentration is greater in male-producing than female-producing eggs at oviposition, but the source and potential effects were not clear from previous studies. If yolk T levels are also sex-specific before eggs are laid, a period during which embryonic steroidogenesis is unlikely, it would strongly suggest that the difference in yolk T is maternally derived. We collected yolk samples from eggs shelling within the oviducts of anesthetized females, and then allowed these females to lay the eggs naturally. Eggs were incubated to hatching to determine sex morphologically, and yolk T concentrations were analyzed by radioimmunoassay. As is the case just after they are laid, yolk T is higher in male than female oviductal eggs. To our knowledge, this is the earliest sex difference reported for any yolk steroid. We suggest that maternally derived yolk T levels could influence sex by differentially affecting male- and female-inducing sperm, because fertilization occurs after yolk deposition and ovulation, while the egg is in the oviduct. Our results, together with those of an increasing number of studies, suggest that a relationship between hormones and vertebrate sex determination may be more widespread than generally appreciated.

Author: Köhler, G., Vesely, M., Greenbaum, E. [KVTh06]
Titel: The Amphibians and Reptiles of El Salvador
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2006) ,Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida, USA :238 Seiten
Abtrakt: Ein paar Artbeschreibungen von Anolis.

Author: Köhler G., Acevedo M. [KATh04]
Titel: The anoles (genus Norops) of Guatamala. The species of the Pacific versant below 1500m elevation
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2004) Salamandra, Rheinbach 40(2) :S. 113-138

Author: Underwood, G., Williams, E. [UWTh59]
Titel: The anoline lizards of Jamaica
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1959)

Author: Fitch, H.S., Hillis, D.M. [FHTh84]
Titel: The Anolis dewlap; Interspecific variability and morphological associations with habitat
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1984) Copeia :S. 315-323

Author: Rand, A.S. [ZBDe06]
Titel: The ecological distribution of the anoline lizards around Kingston, Jamaica.
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1967) Brevoria 272 :1-18

Author: Cochran, Doris [CoTh05]
Titel: The Herpetology Of Hispaniola
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2005) ,The Center for North American Herpetology, Lawrence, Kansas, USA :398 Seiten
Abtrakt: Reprint eines Klasssikers. Haufenweise Artbeschreibungen von Anolis.

Author: Schettino, L.R. [ScTh99]
Titel: The iguanid lizards of Cuba.
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1999) ,Gainesville (Univ. Press Florida) :428 S.

Author: Powell, R., Henderson, R.W., Parmerlee, J.S. Jr. [PHTh05]
Titel: The Reptiles and Amphibians of the Dutch Caribbean
St. Eustatius, Saba, and St. Maarten
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2005) ,Reptile Education and Research Publishing, Kansas City, Missouri, USA :192 Seiten
Abtrakt: Endlich mal was mit Anolis sabanus. Ansonnsten werden auch andere Anolis beschrieben.

Author: Gross, E. [GrTi01]
Titel: Tillandsien für Zimmer und Wintergarten
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2001) ,Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart :92 S.

Author: Köhler G., McCranie, J.R. [KMTw01]
Titel: Two new species of anoles from northern Honduras (Reptilia: Squamata: Polychrotidae)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2001) Senckenbergiana Biologica 81(1/2) :S. 235-245

Author: Baedermann, L [BaVe89]
Titel: Vergleichende Beobachtungen bei Haltung und Zucht kubanischer Hölenanolis
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1989) Sauria, Berlin 11(4) :S.13-17

Author: Schmidt [ScWa79]
Titel: Warum eigentlich immer Anolis carolinensis? (Teil 1)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1979) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 1(3) :S.26-29

Author: Schmidt [ScWa80_1]
Titel: Warum eigentlich immer Anolis carolinensis? (Teil 2)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1980) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 2(5) :S.22-25

Author: Schmidt [ScWa80_2]
Titel: Warum eigentlich immer Anolis carolinensis? (Teil 3)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1980) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 2(8) :S.24-26

Author: Schmidt [ScWa81]
Titel: Warum eigentlich immer Anolis carolinensis? (Teil 4)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1981) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 3(12) :S.06-08

Author: Fläschendräger, A. [FlWa01]
Titel: Was sind Anolis und wo leben sie?
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2001) Reptilia, Nr. 27 ,Natur und Tier - Verlag, Münster :S.16-21

Author: Schwartz, A., Henderson, R.W. [SHWe88]
Titel: West Indian Amphibians and Reptiles: A check-list
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1988) Centr. Biol. Geol., Milwaukee Public Museum, 74: 1-264

Author: Bishop, David C., Echternacht, Arthur C. [BEWi03]
Titel: Winter Growth And Sex Ratio Of A Northern Population Of Anolis carolinensis (Sauria: Polychrotidae)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2003)
Abtrakt: Anolis carolinensis (Sauria: Polychrotidae) does not hibernate, and in an East Tennessee population near the northern limit of its geographic range, individuals aggregate on a south-facing rock bluff and are active throughout the winter. During the winters of 1998-1999 and 1999-2000, we obtained data on body size (snout-vent length and mass) of aggregated lizards early in the season and again in March. There was significant growth in SVL in both field seasons but in mass only in 1999-2000. Growth rate was greater in 1999-2000 than in 1998-1999, possibly attributable to the earlier onset of warmer temperatures in 1999-2000. Males grew at a greater rate than females. Our data also indicate that the winter sex ratio of aggregated individuals is male-biased.

Author: Fläschendräger, A. [FlZu00]
Titel: Zur Biologie, Haltung und Nachzucht von Anolis (Synonym: Chamaelinororps) barbouri (Schmidt, 1919)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 2000) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 22(128) :S.05-10

Author: Rogner [RoZu81]
Titel: Zur Biologie des Braunen Anolis (Anolis sagrei) Dumeril & Bibron 1837
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1981) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 3(11) :S.29-30

Author: Zernikow, W. [ZeHa87]
Titel: Zur Haltungs- und Zuchterfahrungen mit Anolis angusticeps
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1987) Elaphe a. F., 9(1) :S. 1-2

Author: Bech, R. [BeZu85]
Titel: Zur Haltung und Vermehrung von Anolis allisoni im Terrarium
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1985) Elaphe a. F., 7(4) :S. 72-73

Author: Hilgenhof, R.J. [HiZu94]
Titel: Zur Kenntnis, Haltung und Nachzucht des Schwertschwanz-Anolis (Anolis valencienni)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1994) Reptilia, Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster, 9(1) :S.72-76

Author: Fläschendräger, A. [FlZu92]
Titel: Zur Kenntnis der mittelamerikanischen Wasseranolis - Anolis oxylophus (Cope, 1875)
Veroeffentlicht: ( 1992) Herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 14(77) :S.27-32

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